Memorias de Un Replicante Sin Recuerdos

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off shore of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhauser's gate. All those... moments will be lost... in time, like... tears... in the rain. Time to die.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The Rattling Bog

Tradicional Irlandesa. Tratad de encontrarla. Es divertida para ponerla en las fiestas cuando todos van petaos de Guinness y hacerles cantar la última estrofa a la velocidad a la que se debe hacer es la risa padre.

Tháinig Ár Lá!

The Rattling Bog


Horo, the rattling bog,
The bog down in the valley-o,
Horo, the rattling bog,
The bog down in the valley-o.

And in that bog there was a tree.
A rare tree. A rattling tree.
with the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o.
And on that tree there was a limb
A rare limb. A rattling limb
with a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o.
And on that limb there was a branch
A rare branch. A rattling branch
with a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree.
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And on that branch there was a twig
A rare twig. A rattling twig
with a twig on a branch
and a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And on that twig there was a nest
A rare nest. A rattling next
with a nest on a twig
and a twig on a branch
and a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And in that nest there was an egg
A rare egg. A rattling egg
with a egg in a nest
and a nest on a twig
and a twig on a branch
and a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And on that egg there was a bird
A rare bird. A rattling bird
with a bird on an egg
and an egg in a nest
and a nest on a twig
and a twig on a branch
and a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And on that bird there was a feather
A rare feather. A rattling feather
with a feather on a bird
and a bird on an egg
and an egg in a nest
and a nest on a twig
and a twig on a branch
and a branch on a limb
and a limb on the tree
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o
And on that feather there was a flea
A rare flea. A rattling flea
with a flea on a feather
and a feather on a bird
and a bird on an egg.
and an egg in a nest.
and a nest on a twig.
and a twig on a branch.
and a branch on a limb.
and a limb on the tree.
and the tree in the bog
And the bog down in the valley-o.


Blogger El Tete said...

Tá an lá go breá tú fein, a chara!

1:49 AM  

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